
MedTech. Check-Up using AI


ADENTIS intends to create a Self Check-up solution, in the next 5 to 10 years, through Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Currently, in most pharmacies, it is possible to measure blood pressure on a regular basis and/or calculate weight and height. The main goal is to be able to conduct a more general check-up, under the monitoring of a qualified health professional, where it is also possible to take a small blood sample, do an X-Ray (chest, mouth, body) and the machine generate a report based on AI techniques.

After collection and measurements, the healthcare professional analyzes the results and if detects values outside the normal parameters, conveniently forwards the patient to the responsible healthcare units.

This is another dream in line with ADENTIS' identity and another step towards the development of health through its R&D area. MedTech is a heading that aims to highlight the use of technology in health.

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