
Adentis receives quality seal by Wellbeing Awards


It is with great satisfaction that we share an important achievement for Adentis: the bronze quality seal of the Wellbeing Awards 2023, granted by WorkWell.

In the Best Practices category, we were distinguished for our continuous commitment to the well-being of our employees and the implementation of best health practices.

This recognition is a reflection of our commitment to creating a healthy and balanced work environment, where each person on the team can thrive and reach their full potential. We believe that improving quality of life not only benefits them individually, but also strengthens the efficiency and productivity of the company as a whole. This seal represents our ongoing commitment to providing a work environment that promotes health, balance and personal growth.

More and more companies in Portugal are recognizing the importance of their employees' well-being as an essential part of their strategy and at Adentis, this priority is part of our culture. We will continue to work to provide a work environment that promotes everyone's well-being while driving joint success.

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